
30 September

UN Security Council calls for ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh

The UN Security Council (UNSC) called on Armenia and Azerbaijan to immediately cease hostilities.

After a closed-door discussion on the issue by the 15-member council, they "expressed concern over reports of large scale military actions along the Line of Contact in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone" and "strongly condemn the use of force."

"Security Council members voiced support for the call by the Secretary General on...


30 September

Association of Friends of Azerbaijan comdemns military provocations of Armenian armed forces

The Association of Friends of Azerbaijan in Paris, France has strongly condemned the launch of large-scale military operations by the Armenian armed forces on Azerbaijani lands.

A statement signed by Jean-Francois Mancel, President of the Association of Friends of Azerbaijan and Honorary MP, says that Azerbaijan protects its rights and this situation is the result of the inertia of the...


30 September

Writers Union of Eurasia strongly condemns provocative actions of Armenian leadership

On September 27, the aggressor Armenian army intensified its attacks against Azerbaijan and again targeted residential areas and civilians. Five people from one family, including two children, and many Azerbaijani civilians in different regions were martyred and injured because of these attacks. Armenia, which has been occupying twenty percent of Azerbaijan's lands for thirty years, causes the death of innocent...


30 September

FIFA expressed condolences over the death of teenage footballer

AFFA has received a letter of condolences from FIFA on the death of young football player Shahriyar Gurbanov. We bring to your attention the letter sent by FIFA:

“In memory of Shahriyar Gurbanov

By means of this letter, I would like to express our sincerest and heartfelt condolences on the recent

passing of young player Shahriyar Gurbanov.

We extend our deepest sympathy to his family, his...


30 September

ICYF President strongly condemns the aggression by Armenia against Azerbaijan

On behalf of ICYF Member institutions and on his own behalf, H.E. Taha Ayhan, the ICYF President strongly condemns the ongoing large-scale provocations and aggression by the Armenian armed forces against Azerbaijani army along entire length of the frontline leaving behind huge civilian causalities. The current action by the Armenian government must be recognized as another attempt to jeopardise the...