
29 October

Barda Terror Introduced as ‘Karabakh Bombed’

Azerbaijan has been making successful strides both on the battle and information fields. We have been exposing disinformation, published in favour of Armenia, left, and right and successfully preventing their circulation on various websites and social media outlets. For instance, Yahoo published an article, heading it ‘City in Karabakh receives the heaviest blow during the month’s...


29 October

Fake on Azerbaijani Army Mortaring Border Post in Armenia

Armenian media has been spreading news on the Azerbaijani Army allegedly mortaring the Russian border post on the Armenian territories bordering Iran, which is completely false and nothing but provocation.

On the contrary, the armed forces of Armenia have been firing at the territories of Azerbaijan in that direction.

We state once again that we have no military goals in the...


29 October

Fake News on Missiles and Air Strikes on Residential Areas in Nagorno-Karabakh

Armenian media has been circulating fakes on the Armenian Army firing rockets at Khankendi and airstrikes at Askeran, Aghdara, and Khojavand. The purpose is to divert attention from the enemy shelling residential areas in Azerbaijan today.

Unlike the Armenian armed forces, the Azerbaijani Army complies with the humanitarian ceasefire regime and only delivers adequate blows at enemy’s firing positions.