Path to Victory
Georgian news portals highlighted the remarks voiced by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev in his interview with France 24 TV channel.,,, and other portals covered in the Azerbaijani, Russian, English and Georgian languages the views of President Ilham Aliyev about Armenia’s latest military provocations and gross ceasefire violations, Azerbaijan’s not targeting of civilian facilities unlike Armenia, as well as...
Egyptonline portal highlighted the views voiced by President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev during his interview with the Turkish TV channel Haber Turk.
The portal covered President Ilham Aliyev’s views about the destruction of the Armenian army as a result of Yerevan’s dirty adventurist policy, the defeat of Armenia facing a severe socio-economic crisis, as well as the enemy’s shelling of civilian population and civilian infrastructure facilities.
Ukraine’s leading media outlets published articles highlighting the announcements of Azerbaijani President, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev of the liberation of Azerbaijani territories from the Armenian occupation.
RBC-Ukraine news agency and QORDON newspaper republished the Twitter post made by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev: “Azerbaijan’s glorious Army has liberated Garadaghli, Khatunbulag, Garakollu villages of Fuzuli district, and Bulutan, Melikjanli, Kemertuk,...