
16 October

Diplomatic Ties

Former Moldovan president sends letter to President Ilham Aliyev

Petru Lucinschi, President of Moldova (1997-1998) and Member of the Nizami Ganjavi International Center, sent a letter to President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.  

The letter reads:

“His Excellency Mr. Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Your Excellency,

Dear Mr. President,

I’m following the events around Nagorno-Karabakh with great excitement and heartache.

I’m well aware of the situation because back in 1988, I visited Azerbaijan Armenia as part of the delegation of the USSR Supreme Soviet and spent a few days in Nagorno-Karabakh. Unfortunately, over the past several decades, the problem has remained unresolved. In my opinion, the main reason for this is the violation of one of the main principles of the UN Charter - the principle of territorial integrity of states - and the non-implementation of the relevant UN resolutions. For this reason, I regret to say that the co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group, Russia, the United States and France, did not use their influence to resolve this conflict.

As a result, many people die and become refugees. It is clear that peace will be established only as a result of compliance with international law. For this, it is necessary to return to the situation that existed before the beginning of the conflict - in the early 1980s, to find acceptable ways for peace and development in this zone, and to return people to their previous places of residence. No matter how long military operations continue, a solution must be found at the negotiating table. I want to believe that everyone responsible for the end of this conflict will understand their role and will spare no efforts to establish peace. 

Dear Mr. President, we - the members of the Nizami Ganjavi International Center are your friends as a family. Our general secretary and co-chairs are actively appealing to international politicians.”


Petru Lucinschi

President of the Republic of Moldova (1997-1998)

Member of the Nizami Ganjavi International Center 

Azərbaycan Ordusunun sentyabrın 27-də işğalçı Ermənistan silahlı qüvvələrinə qarşı başladığı əks-hücum əməliyyatında əldə etdiyi möhtəşəm qələbələr haqqında bundan sonra kitablar yazılacaq, filmlər çəkiləcək. Amma indidən tam əminliklə deyə bilərik ki, cəbhə uğurlarımızın ən başlıca səbəbi Prezident, Ali Baş Komandan İlham Əliyevin həyata keçirdiyi güclü dövlət, güclü ordu strategiyası, milli birlik və döyüşçülərimizin ruh yüksəkliyi idi.