
15 October

Foreign media

Several Uzbek news portals - Interfax.uz, qalampir.uz, orol24.uz and human.uz - published articles in the Uzbek and Russian languages to highlight Armenia’s missile attacks on the Azerbaijani cities of Ganja and Mingachevir.

The articles read: “The ballistic missile attacks carried out by Armenia against the Azerbaijan cities of Ganja and Mingachevir immediately after the Moscow-brokered humanitarian ceasefire constitute a blatant breach of the norms and principles of international law, the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols, the relevant UN Security Council decisions and resolutions. Armenian troops are responsible for all this, and they will be held accountable sooner or later.”

Interfax.uz referred to the statement made by Hikmat Hajiyev, Assistant to the President of Azerbaijan, Head of the Foreign Policy Affairs Department of the Presidential Administration regarding Armenia’s missile attack on Ganja: “A Scud missile was fired from the territory of Armenia at the densely-populated area of Ganja, the second largest city of Azerbaijan. It is the first case in the OSCE area that the Scud missile, which has a large destructive power, is used against civilians outside the combat zone. In general, it is one of the rare cases observed in recent military conflicts around the world. ”

Azərbaycan Ordusunun sentyabrın 27-də işğalçı Ermənistan silahlı qüvvələrinə qarşı başladığı əks-hücum əməliyyatında əldə etdiyi möhtəşəm qələbələr haqqında bundan sonra kitablar yazılacaq, filmlər çəkiləcək. Amma indidən tam əminliklə deyə bilərik ki, cəbhə uğurlarımızın ən başlıca səbəbi Prezident, Ali Baş Komandan İlham Əliyevin həyata keçirdiyi güclü dövlət, güclü ordu strategiyası, milli birlik və döyüşçülərimizin ruh yüksəkliyi idi.