
7 November

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Criminal case initiated on firing of Azerbaijan's Honorary Consulate in Kharkov 

The building of the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Ukraine's Kharkov City was subjected to fire at about 2.30am, on the night of November 6 to 7. Six shots were fired at the door and windows of the consulate building. There are no injuries among employees of the Consulate because there was nobody in the building at night hours. We would like to note that the cameras of the Honorary Consulate recorded two attackers responsible for the incident.

In connection with the attack on the Consulate building, the Kharkov city police opened a criminal case.

Taking into consideration the continuous threats made by the radical Armenian forces against Azerbaijan's diplomatic representations in foreign countries recently, this attack made on our Honorary Consulate in Kharkov should be considered in the context of these threats.

We resolutely condemn the attacks and life threats by the radical Armenian forces against Azerbaijan's diplomats, as well as the members of the local Azerbaijani communities in foreign countries. Relevant institutions of our country will implement joint activity and cooperation with local law enforcement agencies in foreign countries in order to ensure that all those responsible for such criminal actions against the Azerbaijani citizens and members of the local Azerbaijani community abroad will be held accountable before the law.

Azərbaycan Ordusunun sentyabrın 27-də işğalçı Ermənistan silahlı qüvvələrinə qarşı başladığı əks-hücum əməliyyatında əldə etdiyi möhtəşəm qələbələr haqqında bundan sonra kitablar yazılacaq, filmlər çəkiləcək. Amma indidən tam əminliklə deyə bilərik ki, cəbhə uğurlarımızın ən başlıca səbəbi Prezident, Ali Baş Komandan İlham Əliyevin həyata keçirdiyi güclü dövlət, güclü ordu strategiyası, milli birlik və döyüşçülərimizin ruh yüksəkliyi idi.