Prosecutor General's Office
30th meeting of Coordination Council of General Prosecutors of CIS member states held in video conference format.
On October 8th, the 30th anniversary meeting of the Coordination Council of General Prosecutors of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) was held in a video conference format.
At the meeting attended by the heads of the CIS prosecution offices and the International Association of Prosecutors (IAP) our country was represented by a delegation led by Prosecutor General Kamran Aliyev.
Speaking at the meeting, the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Azerbaijan congratulated the participants on the 25th anniversary of the Coordination Council. He congratulated the Prosecutors General of Russia, Belarus and Moldova on their appointment and wished them success in their future endeavors.
It was noted that in order to adequately adapt to the new challenges of society and ensure transparency in the activities of the prosecution authorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan, to increase the flexibility and efficiency of work, as well as to raise professionals who meet modern requirements, the new structure of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan was approved by the Decree of Mr. Ilham Aliyev, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, dated June 10th, 2020. The structure of the Prosecutor General's Office has been completely restructured to create more flexible, mobile and dynamic departments, and the number of departments and divisions has been increased from 15 to 18. Functions of the Investigation Department and the Department for Supervision over Investigation in prosecution authorities, as well as advanced innovations in the implementation of procedural supervision over the preliminary investigation as part of the reforms were brought to the attention of participants.
The participants of the international event were informed that starting from September 27th, 2020 the military-political leadership of the aggressor Armenia has continued its provocative actions, flagrantly violating its obligations under the Geneva Conventions and international law in general. Densely populated areas of Azerbaijan, including Ganja, the cities of Mingachevir (Hydro Power Station) and Yevlakh (Baku-Tbilisi-Jeyhan oil pipeline), Absheron and Khizi districts, which are far away from the war zones, and where strategic facilities are located and passing, have been subjected to heavy artillery bombardment.
Kamran Aliyev noted that the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan has launched 26 criminal cases on the above facts, and despite the threat to life, prosecutors and investigators are taking appropriate operational and investigative measures in those areas. It was underscored that as a result of the Armenian military aggression since September 27th, 31 civilians, including 3 children and 9 women, were killed, 148 civilians were seriously injured, a total of 778 houses and 117 civil facilities were destroyed.
Touching upon this issue Nigmatilla Yuldashev, Prosecutor General of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and Igor Krasnov, Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, stressed the importance of a peaceful settlement of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict within the framework of international law according to the provisions envisaged by the UN Security Council resolutions.
Organizational issues were discussed and relevant documents on cooperation were signed. The Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Igor Krasnov was elected Chairman of the Coordination Council for the next year, and it was decided to hold the 31st meeting of the Council in 2021 in Kazakhstan.