Path to Victory
Ganja has been subjected to fire the enemy from Armenia's territory.
The armed forces of the occupying country, starting from 04.10.2020, at around 10, on the instructions of the military-political leadership of Armenia, violated the norms and principles of international law, the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols, the decisions and resolutions of the UN Security Council by deliberately targeting the civilian population...
Armenian armed forces continue to shell Azerbaijani settlements.
As a result of the armed forces of the occupying country firing heavy artillery on the houses of civilians in different directions of Agjabadi district, on 04.10.2020, around 15:00, Iskenderov Farid Dilafat oglu, a resident of Taynag kand, born in 2006, when he was in the canteen, as a result of cannon shells...
On October 4, 2020, in district 23:00 under the order of the military-political leadership of Armenia, the Armed Forces of this country deliberately targeted the civilians of the city of Mingachevir, located more than 100 km from the theater of hostilities, with the population more than 100.000 people.
Two of the three rockets fired did not break. One of the...