
29 October

Territory of the Goranboy and Terter regions was shelled

On October 29 at about 09:25 the Armenian armed forces subjected to artillery fire the territory of the Goranboy and Terter regions.

Ziyadova Flora Garash, born in 1967, was killed as a result of a shell hitting a private house in the village of Tapgaragoyunlu, Goranboy district, around 17:00, and the house was seriously damaged.


29 October

Territory of Barda region where diplomatic representatives were, came under fire

The territory of Barda and Goranboy regions came under fire by the Armenian armed forces.

It should be noted that on October 29, during the visit of state officials to Barda together with the heads of the diplomatic corps in Azerbaijan, ambassadors, military attaches and officials of international organizations in our country, the Armenian armed forces, which once again grossly violated...


29 October

Territory of Tartar region, where diplomatic representatives were also present, came under fire

On October 29 at 13:50, during the visit of state officials to Tartar together with the heads of the diplomatic corps in Azerbaijan, ambassadors, military attaches and officials of international organizations in our country, the Armenian armed forces, which once again grossly violated the humanitarian ceasefire regime, deliberately fired at that direction.

We consider this step of Armenia as...


29 October

Territories of Goranboy, Tartar and Barda regions are under artillery fire

Armenian armed forces continue to grossly violate the humanitarian ceasefire regime and shell the territories of Goranboy, Tartar and Barda regions.