
15 October

OIC reaffirms its solidarity with Azerbaijan

The General Secretariat of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation expressed its concern about the violation of the humanitarian ceasefire agreement reached on Oct. 10, 2020, in Moscow by military forces of Armenia.

“As the General Secretariat reaffirms its solidarity with Azerbaijan, it recalls the decisions of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the relevant Security Council resolutions and urges a political solution to the conflict between...


15 October

TURKPA Secretary General harshly condemns Armenian provocations

Secretary-General of the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic-Speaking Countries (TURKPA) Altynbek Mamaiusupov harshly condemned the provocations of Armenia, the Parliament of Azerbaijan said.

“In response to the appeals of the Azerbaijani Parliament to international organizations and parliaments of foreign countries regarding the provocations of the Armenian armed forces, missile and artillery shelling of Ganja and other cities of Azerbaijan, targeting the civilian population and civilian facilities,...