
23 October

Foreign countries

Member of UK’s House of Lords condemns Armenia’s missile attacks on Azerbaijan’s Ganja

Member of the UK’s House of Lords Lord Kilclooney made a statement in which he condemned the aggression of the Armenian armed forces against the Azerbaijani civilians.

Lord Kilclooney regarded the killing and wounding of civilians as a result of missile attacks on Azerbaijan's second biggest Ganja city contrary to the declared humanitarian ceasefire regime as an atrocity.

“The city located 60 kilometers from the conflict zone, in which there are no military bases, was shelled,” the statement said. “This attack is the flagrant violation of the Geneva Conventions.”

Lord Kilclooney called on the UK’s government to condemn the attack and raise this issue with the Armenian government. He also called on Armenia to respect its obligations upon humanitarian law and the ceasefire regime. Lord Kilclooney also asked the UK’s ambassador to Azerbaijan to pay special attention to the issue.

Azərbaycan Ordusunun sentyabrın 27-də işğalçı Ermənistan silahlı qüvvələrinə qarşı başladığı əks-hücum əməliyyatında əldə etdiyi möhtəşəm qələbələr haqqında bundan sonra kitablar yazılacaq, filmlər çəkiləcək. Amma indidən tam əminliklə deyə bilərik ki, cəbhə uğurlarımızın ən başlıca səbəbi Prezident, Ali Baş Komandan İlham Əliyevin həyata keçirdiyi güclü dövlət, güclü ordu strategiyası, milli birlik və döyüşçülərimizin ruh yüksəkliyi idi.