Media Statement of Ombudsman
From September 27, 2020, at around 06:00 a.m., the Armenian armed forces continue its intensive heavy artillery attacks again blatantly violating the ceasefire regime and targeting the positions of the Azerbaijan Army, civilian objects, hospitals, administrative buildings, fueling and bus stations, and other civilian objects.
Regrettably to say that as a result of continuous artillery attacks the densely populated areas by the Armenian armed forces there are numerous dead and wounded among civilians.
Up to present in total there are 19 dead among civil citizens, including two children, the whole family of five was totally destroyed and 55 civilians were hospitalized with various injuries.
The Armenian military forces have shelled the kindergarten, located in Shikharkh settlement of Terter district of Azerbaijan, the densely populated area with IDPs. Due to continuous inhumane actions against the civilians of Azerbaijan by the aggressor Armenia, this number may have risen.
The Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights constantly brought to the attention of leading international organizations the numerous facts that Armenia grossly breaches the norms and principles of international humanitarian law, Geneva Conventions, especially Geneva Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War dated August 12, 1949, the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child, and other international human rights instruments and call those organization to take all decisive efforts to end the violations.