State Security Service
Use of civilian UAVs during martial law is prohibited
Amid intensive combat operations carried out on the front line, the launch of civilian unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for various purposes in the territory of the republic hinders the activities of the relevant government agencies by creating concern among the population.
Under the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On martial law" and the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On declaration of martial law" dated September 27, 2020, the use of all civilian unmanned aerial vehicles during martial law is prohibited in the Republic of Azerbaijan.
In this regard, those noticing such unmanned aerial vehicles in the country's skies are asked to inform the State Security Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan by phone at (012) 405 99 99 and the State Civil Aviation Agency under the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan at (012) 497 16 73.