
5 November

Man wounded as result of Armenian Armed Forces’ missile attack on Azerbaijan’s Barda dies

Twenty-five-year-old Niftali Pashayev was severely injured as a result of a missile attack on the center of Azerbaijan’s Barda city by the Armenian Armed Forces on October 28, 2020.

Despite the efforts of doctors, Pashayev died today in the hospital.

Thus, the number of Azerbaijani civilians killed since September 27 as a result of artillery and missile attacks by...


5 November

Azerbaijani Prosecutor General's Office gives updates on civil casualties, damages

The military-political leadership of the aggressor Armenia continues to commit acts of terrorism against the civilian population, grossly violating the norms and principles of international law.

404 civilians have been hospitalized with various injuries, and 92 persons have been killed so far as a result of heavy artillery and missile shelling of Azerbaijani residential settlements. Moreover, as a result of intensive heavy...


5 November

Prosecutor General's Office prepareds another video on "Ganja - an optimistic city" in six languages

The press service of the Prosecutor General's Office has prepared another video in French, Spanish, German, Russian, English and Arabic dedicated to residents of Ganja, who suffered heavy losses as a result of the Armenian aggression, are still in high spirits despite the incidents.


5 November

Armenia uses Volunteers Union of Crimea as mercenaries

The Azerbaijani General Prosecutor's Office continues to take urgent measures to expose the aggressive nature of the Republic of Armenia in the international arena, which supports terrorism at the state level and uses terrorism as one of the main instruments of its aggressive policy.

As part of these measures, the General Prosecutor's Office conducted the investigation based on files in connection with the criminal...